Who is Parker Washington

Writing began at seven as an outlet for comfort and momentary escape from the real world into a dream one of my own creation. Creating alternative worlds and the people that embody them became my favorite past time. Now, from writing books to scripts, to blogs, journals,freelance articles and ghostwriting for others; the pen hasn’t been put down yet.

My hobby turned passion that was once a therapeutic escape has carried me through childhood, my teens and now well into adulthood. With my gift of storytelling and love of words, I pen some of the best of black romance and urban literature with original, thought provoking content and characters.

Along with ghostwiring services for those who have a desire to write or a story to tell but may not have the time, patience, or even the words to do so themselves, I also offer literary consulting services to aid on the journey to publishing your own five star novels, short stories or screen plays.

With five novels to date, and a plethora of projects in the works, the goal is to update my resume in the near future by relaunching my publishing company, write for film and tv, and launch The Philly Purpose Project— a mentoring program for teenage creatives who deserve an outlet to dream.

With much more to come.

To Be Continued